SB-407R: Miyuki 4mm Cube Bead Opaque Vermillion Red AB - 1 tube
HTL-2311: Matte Opaque Canary Miyuki Half Tila - 1 tube
8-4483: 8/0 Duracoat Opaque Azure Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
11-209: 11/0 Fuchsia Lined Crystal Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
CLBD-GO: C-Lon Gold Size D
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
505-016: Gold Embroidery Scissor

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For illustrated directions please visit our cartwheel pendant diagram page.
1. Begin with a 7ft. length of thread. String on an alternating pattern of one 11/0 seed bead and one square bead until there are seven of each type (14 beads total).
2. Bring the needle through the first two strung beads forming a loop. String back through the entire loop again to reinforce.
3. With the thread exiting one of the square beads, pick up one half tila (HTL), one 11/0 seed bead, one 8/0 seed bead, one square bead (SB), one 8/0 seed bead, one 11/0 seed bead, one HTL, and one SB.
4. Turn the needle and go into the second hole of the HTL most recently added.
5. Pull thread tight to secure. The square bead should lock into position, sitting firmly on top of the half tila.
6. Next string on one 11/0, one 8/0, one SB, one 8/0, and one 11/0. This section should exactly match the row of beads it lays next to.
7. Go through the second hole of the next HTL. The thread should now be just above the original loop of beads.
8. Secure by going through the SB directly below the needle (the same one you used in step 3) from the opposite side.
9. Pull tight and make sure no thread is showing. This forms the first spoke in the wheel and it should sit squarely on top of the SB from the original loop of beads.
10. Travel back up into the section just completed, passing through an HTL, 11/0, 8/0, and a SB.
11. Exit the SB on the right side of the spoke.
12. Add one HTL.
13. Crossing over the beadwork, go down into the SB on the left side of the spoke.
14. As the thread tightens the HTL will sit between and on top of the two Square beads.
15. Stitch through the lower hole of the HTL going from left to right.
16. Push the HTL in between the two square beads.
17. Stitch up through the closest SB and continue up through the 8/0, 11/0, and HTL.
18. Pull thread to secure and make sure there is an even tension throughout this section.
19. Pass through the SB at the tip of the section.
20. Go down through all the beads in the left side of the spoke.
21. Exit the left hole of the tila right above the loop of beads. Again check the tension of this section and adjust and tighten as needed before moving on.
22. Going from left to right string through three beads in the loop (SB, 11/0, SB).
23. Repeat steps 3-22 and create an identical spoke.
24. Each spoke will build out from a SB in the loop.
25. Continue to add one spoke at a time as you move around the loop.
26. Remember to keep a good tension in each section before moving to the next.
27. Continue.
28. There will be seven spokes when each SB from the loop has been built opon.
29. Rotate the work 180º so that the spoke between the two threads points straight up.
30. Using the thread on the right side of this spoke (Note: the thread should be exiting the SB not a 15/0) go up into the HTL directly above. Continue up through the 11/0, 8/0 and SB.
31. Continue up through the next 8/0,11/0 and HTL and turn left into the SB at the tip of the spoke.
32. Now go down into the beads on the left side of the spoke. Pass through the HTL, 11/0,8/0 and exit the SB.
33. Add one HTL.
34. Stitch up through the closest SB on the next spoke over to the left.
35. Pull to secure. The HTL just added should form a bridge between the two spokes.
36. Add one 11/0, pass through the top hole of the bridge HTL and add another 11/0. Go down into the SB on the closest spoke.
37. Pull thread to secure. This should complete the connection between the two spokes.
38. Now begin moving the thread to the left to position it for the next bridge section. Pass through the bottom hole of the closest HTL (to the left).
39. Still moving to the left go up into the nearest SB.
40. Cross through the top hole of the next HTL.
41. Now go down into the SB. This should position you in between the next two spokes to be connected.
42. Repeat steps 33-36 to add the bridge beads.
46. Now repeat steps 38-41 to move thread into position between the next two spokes.
47. Continue around the wheel until all the spokes are connected.
48. Add a loop of 11/0s to one of the SB's at the tip of a spoke to make the Cartwheel into an earring. To use as a pendant simply string through the SB with the cord or wire.

Other colorways:

SB-462: Miyuki 4mm Cube Metallic Gold Iris - 1 tube
HTL-4514: Opaque Turquoise Blue Picasso Miyuki Half Tila - 1 tube
8-313SF: 8/0 Semi-Frosted Cranberry Gold Luster Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
11-1889: 11/0 Tr Golden Olive Luster Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
CLBD-BU: C-Lon Burgundy Size D
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles

SB-407R: Miyuki 4mm Cube Bead Opaque Vermillion Red AB - 1 tube
HTL-2311: Matte Opaque Canary Miyuki Half Tila - 1 tube
8-4483: 8/0 Duracoat Opaque Azure Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
11-209: 11/0 Fuchsia Lined Crystal Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
CLBD-GO: C-Lon Gold Size D
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles

SB-410R: Miyuki 4mm Cube Opaque Mauve AB - 1 tube
HTL-151: Transparent Cobalt Miyuki Half Tila - 1 tube
8-481: 8/0 Opaque Turquoise Green AB Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
11-416FR: 11/0 Matte Opaque Chartreuse AB Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
CLBD-O: C-Lon Orchid Size D
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles

SB-143FR: Miyuki 4mm Cube Matte Tr Chartreuse AB - 1 tube
HTL-2551: Pale Rose Silk Satin Miyuki Half Tila - 1 tube
8-1614: 8/0 Dyed Semi-Frosted Tr Aqua Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
11-551: 11/0 Gilt Lined Opal Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
CLBD-BE: C-Lon Beige Size D
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles

SB-961: Miyuki 4mm Cube Bright Sterling Plated - 1 tube
HTL-408: Opaque Red Miyuki Half Tila - 1 tube
8-1614: 8/0 Dyed Semi-Frosted Tr Aqua Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
11-4217: 11/0 Duracoat Galvanized Sea Foam Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
CLBD-GR: C-Lon Gray Size D
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles

SB-20F: Miyuki 4mm Cube Matte Silverlined - 1 tube
HTL-471: White Pearl AB Miyuki Half Tila - 1 tube
8-11: 8/0 Silverlined Ruby Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
11-4203: Duracoat Galvanized Yellow Gold Miyuki Seed Bead - 1 tube
CLBD-RO: C-Lon Royal Blue Size D
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles