Upcoming Miyuki Delica Price Increase

maine winter

Dear Friends,

Many of you already know that Miyuki has slowly been raising their prices over the last few years. Although favorable exchange rates have helped us to absorb those increases, the time has come for us to raise prices to stay current with the cost of beads, shipping and labor.

Like you, we wish these prices could remain stable forever, but the raw materials costs are driving many of these changes. In particular, all items which contain gold (not just plated but in the color of the glass) have a surcharge that has hovered around 80% for the last year. As part of the increase, we will raise the prices on items which contain gold, and hope that part of that increase may be reversed in the future.

We will begin by raising prices on 11/0 Delica Beads in the middle of February, and announce the other price increases by category as we proceed. We encourage you to place any important orders before the changes are implemented.

Gratitude and affection,
The Kahn Family and Caravan Team

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