Tila Fanfare Earrings

TL-412: Opaque Turquoise Green Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-454: Metallic Dark Plum Iris Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-457: Metallic Dark Bronze Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-06: Brown Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-AB: Antique Brass 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-AB: Antique Brass Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces
505-017: Rainbow Embroidery Bird Scissor
520-124: Hypo Cement Jewelers Glue

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Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

1. Cut a four foot length of Miyuki nylon beading thread. String through one side of a Miyuki Tila bead (TL). Moving from back to front bring the needle and thread through the center of the 33mm hammered circle.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

2. String back through the same hole in the TL, this time passing in front of the hammered circle. The TL should now be sitting against the circle's edge.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

3. String one Miyuki size 11/0 seed bead, one Miyuki 2.8mm Drop bead (DP28) and one 11/0.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

4. Pass down through the next hole in the TL and behind the circle.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

5. Turn and bring the thread to the front of the circle before passing back up through the same hole in the TL.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

6. Pass back through the 11/0, DP28, and 11/0 sitting on top of the TL. Follow the thread path from steps 1 and 2 to reinforce.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

7. Pass back through the 11/0, DP28, and 11/0 and follow the thread path from steps 4 and 5 to reinforce.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

8. String one TL.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

9. Staying in front of the circle, pass up through the nearest hole in the previous TL.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

10. Pass down through the same hole in the newly added TL and bring the thread behind the circle.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

11. The newly added TL should sit slightly in front overlapping the previous TL.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

12. Turn and bring the thread to the front of the circle before passing back up through the same hole in the newly added TL.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

13. String one 11/0, one DP28 and one 11/0.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

14. Pass down through the next hole in the TL and behind the circle.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

15. Turn and bring the thread to the front of the circle before passing back up through the same hole in the TL.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

16. Repeat steps 8-15. The newly added TL should sit slightly in front overlapping the previous TL.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

17. Continue in this way until there are fourteen TL beads around the edge of the circle.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

18. Pass back through the 11/0, DP28, and 11/0 and continue through the TL and behind the circle.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

19. Turn and bring the thread to the front of the circle before passing back up through the same hole in the TL. Continue through the 11/0, DP28, 11/0 and the other hole in the TL, exiting behind the circle.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

20. Turn and bring the thread to the front of the circle before passing back up the same hole in the TL, through the 11/0, DP28, 11/0 and down the other hole in the TL exiting behind the circle.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

21. Move the needle to the thread tail at the opposite side of the earring.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

22. Pass through the 11/0, DP28, 11/0 and continue through the TL exiting behind the circle.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

23. Flip the earring over and put a drop of Hypo Cement on the threads securing both sides of the first and last TL beads. Once dry trim off excess thread.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

24. Cut approximately fourteen inches of thread. String through one hole of a TL. Moving from back to front pass through the center of the circle.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

25. Pass in front of the circle and string back through the same hole in the TL. Make sure that the TL is centered at the top of the earring.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

26. Pass down through the other hole in the TL, around the circle moving from back to front and up through the TL.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

27. String four 11/0 beads.

Miyuki Tila Hoop Earring Instructions

28. Pass down through the other hole in the TL, around the circle (moving from back to front) and up through the TL.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earring Instructions

29. Reinforce by passing back through the four 11/0 beads and looping through the TL and circle once again.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

30. Attach the earwire to the 11/0 loop. After checking that it is centered at the top of the earring, place a drop of Hypo Cement on the threads on both sides of the TL. Once dry trim any thread tails.

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Hoop Earring Instructions

Blue Heron
Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earrings Blue Heron

TL-417/FR: Matte Opaque Periwinkle AB Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-2440: Transparent Gray Rainbow Luster Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-401FR: Matte Black AB Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-03: Silver Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-AS: Antique Silver 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-AS: Antique Silver Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earrings Cardinal

TL-408: Opaque Red Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-4513: Opaque Red Picasso Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-961: Bright Sterling Plated Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-03: Silver Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-AS: Antique Silver 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-AS: Antique Silver Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earrings Goldfinch

TL-511: Crystal Ceylon Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-191F: Matte 24kt Gold Plated Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-420: White Pearl Ceylon Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-05: Gold Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-MG: Matte Gold 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-MG: Matte Gold Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earrings Kingfisher

TL-4518: Opaque Cobalt Picasso Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-469: Metallic Bronze Eggplant Iris Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-2005: Matte Metallic Dark Raspberry Iris Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-15: Nutmeg Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-AC: Antique Copper 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-AC: Antique Copper Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earrings Lovebird

TL-258: Transparent Chartreuse Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-4461: Duracoat Opaque Tea Rose Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-4202: Duracoat Galvanized Gold Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-05: Gold Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-MG: Matte Gold 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-MG: Matte Gold Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earrings Macaw

TL-412: Opaque Turquoise Green Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-454: Metallic Dark Plum Iris Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-457: Metallic Dark Bronze Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-06: Brown Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-AB: Antique Brass 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-AB: Antique Brass Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earrings Peacock

TL-1898: Opaque Purple Gray Rainbow Luster Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-313: Cranberry Gold Luster Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-2425: Silverlined Teal Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-06: Brown Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-AB: Antique Brass 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-AB: Antique Brass Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces

Miyuki Tila Fanfare Earrings Pheasant

TL-4573: Magic Wine Miyuki Tila Bead - 1 tube
11-4217F: Duracoat Galvanized Matte Dark Seafoam Miyuki 11/0 Seed Bead - 1 tube
DP28-5: Silverlined Dark Topaz Miyuki 2.8mm Drop Bead - 1 tube
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles - 1 package
MNT-15: Nutmeg Miyuki Nylon Beading Thread - 1 bobbin
192-550-AC: Antique Copper 33mm Hammered Circle - 2 pieces
192-531-AC: Antique Copper Earwire With Ball - 2 pieces