Half Tila Snake Bracelet

HTL-412: Miyuki Opaque Turquoise Green Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-2035: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Matte Metallic Khaki Iris - 1 tube
15-1883: Miyuki 15/0 Wine Gold Luster Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-17: Miyuki Dark Blue Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-G: Gold Filled Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece
505-017: Rainbow Bird Embroidery Scissors

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Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

1. Begin with approximately 5 feet of thread. String on four Miyuki size 15/0 seed beads, one end of the magnetic clasp, and four more 15/0 beads.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

2. Stitch back through all of the beads and clasp to form a loop.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

3. Pass through the beads once more to reinforce the loop.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

4. String on one Half Tila (HTL) bead, stitching through the top hole from left to right.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

5. Turn and go through the bottom hole of the HTL. Pass back through the loop of 15/0 beads exiting the HTL from it's top hole.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

6. String on one 15/0, one Miyuki Drop bead (DP), and one 15/0. Add one HTL and repeat the 15/0, DP, 15/0 pattern.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

7. For the next section, alternate one HTL, one 15/0 until there are three of each.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

8. Now string one HTL, one 15/0, DP, 15/0. Repeat this until there are three sets of each.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

9. Repeat step 7.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

10. Repeat step 8.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

11. Continue repeating steps 7 and 8 until you have seven groupings of DP beads (20 DP beads in total).

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

12. For the final section alternate HTL, 15/0, HTL, 15/0, and HTL.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

13. Just as in step 1, string on four 15/0 beads, the other side of the magnetic clasp, and four more 15/0 beads.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

14. Pass back through the beads to form a loop. Repeat this step to reinforce the loop.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

15. Exit from last 15/0 bead and stitch through the bottom hole of the HTL bead that is closest to the loop.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

16. Pass your needle through the top hole of the same HTL bead then back down through the bottom hole.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

17. String one 15/0, one DP, and one 15/0 bead.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

18. Pass through the bottom hole of the nearest HTL bead to the left.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

19. Repeat Steps 17-18.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

20. String one 15/0 bead.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

21. Pass through the bottom hole of the nearest HTL bead to the left.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

22. Repeat steps 20 and 21 two more times. The 15/0, DP, 15/0 pattern (strung between the the HTL beads) will always sit opposite a single 15/0. This pattern will create the snake like curve in the bracelet.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

23. String one 15/0, one DP, and one 15/0. Pass through the bottom hole of the next HTL bead. Repeat twice more for a total of three DP beads.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

24. Sting one 15/0 bead before passing through the bottom hole of the next HTL bead. Repeat twice more for a total of three 15/0 beads.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

25. Repeat steps 23 and 24 until you reach the end of the bracelet. Exit the bottom hole of the HTL next to the clasp.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

26. Turn and go through the top hole of the same HTL bead.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

27. Go back around the HTL again to secure the thread. Sew the thread tail back into the bracelet by passing through several sections of beads.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

28. Cut off excess thread.

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Instructions

29. Sew in and trim any other loose threads. The bracelet is complete!

Bumper Cars
Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Bumper Cars

HTL-2040: Miyuki Matte Metallic Brick Red Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-401FR: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Matte Black AB - 1 tube
15-367: Miyuki 15/0 Garnet Lined Ruby AB Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-08: Miyuki Red Nylon Beading Thread -1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-G: Gold Filled Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Carousel

HTL-2312: Miyuki Matte Opaque Mustard Half Tila -1 tube
DP-4514: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Op Turquoise Blue Picasso Seed Bead - 1 tube
15-1881: Miyuki 15/0 Transparent Silver Gray Gold Luster Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-05: Miyuki Gold Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-S: Sterling Silver Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece

Ferris Wheel
Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Ferris Wheel

HTL-412: Miyuki Opaque Turquoise Green Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-2035: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Matte Metallic Khaki Iris - 1 tube
15-1883: Miyuki 15/0 Wine Gold Luster Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-17: Miyuki Dark Blue Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-G: Gold Filled Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Gravitron

HTL-4560: Miyuki Black/Marea Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-401F: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Matte Black - 1 tube
15-1983: Miyuki 15/0 24kt Dark Yellow Gold Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-12: Miyuki Black Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-G: Gold Filled Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece

Sky Swing
Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Sky Swing

HTL-1898: Miyuki Opaque Purple Gray Rainbow Luster Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-2405F: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Matte Transparent Teal - 1 tube
15-2005: Miyuki 15/0 Matte Metallic Dark Raspberry Iris Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-09: Miyuki Purple Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-S: Sterling Silver Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece

Swan Boat
Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Swan Boat

HTL-134FR: Miyuki Matte Transparent Dark Topaz AB Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-2021: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Matte Opaque Cream - 1 tube
15-4262: Miyuki 15/0 Duracoat S/L Dyed Rose Copper Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-04: Miyuki Blush Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-G: Gold Filled Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Teacups

HTL-592: Miyuki Antique Ivory Pearl Ceylon Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-193F: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Matte 24kt Light Gold Plated - 1 tube
15-195: Miyuki 15/0 24kt Gold Lined Crystal Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-02: Miyuki Eggshell Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-G: Gold Filled Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece

Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Tilt-a-Whirls

HTL-316: Miyuki Light Amethyst Gold Luster Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-151FR: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Matte Transparent Cobalt AB - 1 tube
15-1426: Miyuki 15/0 Dyed S/L Dark Purple Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-09: Miyuki Purple Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-S: Sterling Silver Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece

Roller Coaster
Miyuki Half Tila Snake Bracelet Roller Coaster

HTL-1865: Miyuki Opaque Smoke Gray Luster Half Tila - 1 tube
DP-457: Miyuki 3.4mm Drop Metallic Dark Bronze - 1 tube
15-2002: Miyuki 15/0 Matte Metallic Silver Gray Seed Bead - 1 tube
MNT-03: Miyuki Silver Nylon Beading Thread - 1 spool
193-104: Japanese Thin Beading Needles
191-905-S: Sterling Silver Magnetic Clasp 4.5mm - 1 piece