Mirrix Looms are primarily meant for bead weaving, tapestry weaving, and bead and fiber combinations, but they can be used for anything from wire-weaving to rug-making.

The concept behind weaving on a Mirrix loom is simple, but the creative possibilities and techniques are endless! Because the Mirrix can be used for simple projects as well as complex ones, your loom will grow with you as you improve your skill and experience level.

Mirrix Looms are manufactured in the United States at a facility called Sunshine House that provides supported employment for people with physical and mental disabilities. Mirrix loom weavers are a community of like-minded artists and crafters all looking to share and grow. As you learn more about loom weaving with beads and without, you will find many great projects and ideas online and on the Mirrix website.

Mirrix Looms was started in 1996 by tapestry weaver and busy mom Claudia Chase. She was looking for a loom that was both professional-quality and portable enough to take with her to her kids’ games and activities. Not finding anything on the market that fit her needs, Claudia designed the very first Mirrix Loom. Twenty years later, Claudia runs Mirrix Looms with her daughter Elena.

Any of the Mirrix looms will work for a beginner. The difference between the looms is simply size. If you’re a beginner who wants to eventually make very large pieces, you may want to invest in a larger loom. If you’re an expert who only makes small pieces, a smaller loom will be best. That said, most beginners decide to start on the small side since those looms are less of a financial investment.

The 8" Lani Loom, 12" Little Guy Loom and 16" Big Sister Loom are the most popular looms for beginner bead and tapestry weavers. The “Easy Warp” Sam Loom is also a great choice for beginning weavers. It’s a pared-down Mirrix that can be added on to as your weaving skills grow.

So what makes a Mirrix loom different form other beading and tapestry looms?
1. Versatility: From tapestry weaving to bead weaving to wire weaving and free-form fiber weaving, Mirrix Looms are incredibly versatile.
2. Size Options: Mirrix Looms come in eight sizes, from the 5" wide Mini Mirrix to the 38" wide Zeus Loom, allowing you to choose a loom size that best fits your needs.
3. Portability: Even the largest Mirrix can fit in a relatively small space and can be easily moved, and the smaller looms are perfect for taking on vacation, to workshops and really anywhere where you want to do some weaving!

4. Quality: A Mirrix Loom is built to last a lifetime. Made out of high-quality materials, your Mirrix may need to be polished once in a while, but it most likely will never need to be replaced.
5. Tension: When it comes to bead or fiber weaving, providing good tension is the number one job of a loom. With its continuous warping system and the ability to increase or decrease your tension anytime, Mirrix Looms do this job incredibly well.
6. Accessories: From the No Warp-Ends Kit that allows you to weave beads without having to deal with finishing all your warp threads to the amazing Spencer Power Treadle, we have accessories for all your weaving needs (even the ones you didn’t know you had).
7. The Shedding Device: The Mirrix shedding device allows you to weave faster and easier with both beads and fiber. You can learn more about it here.

8. The Mirrix Community: When you purchase a Mirrix, you join an amazing community of weavers. From online classes and webinars to weave-alongs and free projects, being a part of the Mirrix community will keep you inspired for years to come.
9. Made in America: Not only are Mirrix Looms made in America, but our manufacturing facility is housed in a really amazing place that employs some really amazing people. You can learn more about Sunshine House and Mirrix Looms here.
10. Customer Service: When you buy a Mirrix, we’ll be there for you long after you make your purchase. Need advice on a project? Want some inspiration? Not sure how something works? We’re always happy to help!

For more information please visit www.mirrixlooms.com where you can find endless information, project tutorials, inspiration, looms, kits, and much much more! You can also add a Mirrix loom to your next order from Caravan Beads.

Try this loom woven project: