I am a professional visual artist based in Lithuania. Currently I am studying for my MA in painting at the Vilnius Art Academy. These creations are deeply inspired by my passion for colors and oil painting.

When sewing with beads I feel like I am just
using another medium to paint colorful images. I try to select and
compose my colors in the way that gives the strongest visual aesthetic
pleasure. Form is another important aspect of my work. I use sharp, edgy
and architectural shapes to assemble my visions.

My jewelry career began in a simple way. My best friend was using
soutache to make brooches. I admired them so much that I had to buy some
from her and eventually I decided to try making them for myself. I
didn't think I'd ever make them for others or to sell, but sometimes life
surprises you. I opened my own shop on February 11, 2013. My
favorite technique is now bead embroidery. I am also interested in
learning metalsmithing.

My favorite materials include seed beads, stones beads, shells and glass beads. Usually I find my materials locally but sometimes I order them from England.

My family is very supportive of me and my work. My mother is the best critic of my creations. She is always honest about my mistakes and successes. Only recently have I began to exhibit my work publicly which is very exciting for me.

I am also very inspired by fashion and clothing design. At this moment my favorite designer is: Manish Arora. I love her pastel tones.
The second one is Joanne Petit-Frére for her head accessories. I have also recently discovered the work of Elena Slivnyak. I love futuristic design and head accessories.

To see more of Rasa's amazing work visit her Etsy shop, website or facebook page:
Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/rasaviljewelry
Instagram: www.instagram.com/rasaviljewelry/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RasaVilJewelry/
Email: vilcinskaite.rasa@gmail.com